#17 Dan White: Technology, Data, and the Capital T Truth

Facts, the final frontier. 

We live in a weird time. While a major percentage of the world population carries access to the most sophisticated information technologies and scientific applications that have ever existed, we find ourselves constantly debating the truth. Terms like "facts" and "truth" have become battleground concepts for subjective experience, leaving both tension and confusion high. Yet the pursuit of the truth always has an ally in the scientific method and good academic research, a creed that drives Dan White, co-founder and CEO of The Behaviouralist.

Driven by a desire to bridge the gap between the cutting edge of science and its application in society, Dan White and his co-founder Dr. Robert Metcalfe were responsible for some of the UK’s earliest applied behavioral economics research–-no easy feat. The roadblocks between good research and societal application are myriad, leaving much good research to sit on the shelf for years before benefiting society.

Yet in the spirit of being both creative and scientific, The Behaviouralist utilizes technology and data to bring a science-based voice to conversations with governments and organizations worldwide. And when tackling some of the world's most pressing issues, it isn't enough to get the message through. We must get it through quickly. Dan White discusses his process in this episode of Re-Quilibrium.

If we do the science right and we’re really understanding what works, whether it’s what we expect or not, it will be the truth... All we want to know is the truth.
— Dan White

#18 Paul Irwin: What If There Was a Safer Way to Play Out Youthful Transgressions?


#16 Gael O'Sullivan: Challenging Assumptions in Global Health Research