#9 Hamilton Carvalho: How Do We Really Define Social Good?
Hamilton Carvalho joins the podcast to discuss how we define social good and how social marketers can best take steps to facilitate it.
#8 Craig Lefebvre: Research for Evaluation in Social Marketing
Craig Lefebvre, PhD, re-joins the podcast for the second episode of a two-part series on research in social marketing. In this episode, we discuss theories, concepts, and strategies for conducting quality evaluation.
#4 Nadia Zainuddin: Mentorship and the Academic Track in Social Marketing
Dr. Nadia Zainuddin from the University of Wollongong joins the podcast to discuss mentorship and the academic path in social marketing.
#2 Nedra Weinreich: So What is Social Marketing, Anyway?
Nedra Weinreich of Weinreich Communications joins the podcast to provide an introduction to social marketing and to illustrate how social marketing campaigns manifest in the real world.