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#23 Francois Sauer: Individuals and Systems

Conversations about individuals and systems tend to veer into the realm of either/or. Yet in this episode, Francois Sauer and I explore how complex, dynamic systems can work to serve individuals and create an environment for human flourishing.

Initially trained as a physician and having worked at the systems level with healthcare technologies, Francois is a polymath, philosophical thinker, and truly beautiful mind. We wander from topics like creativity and leadership, to how constraints are a real and often fruitful element of organic systems, to how data ecosystems are informing society at an unprecedented level. 

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Francois is an Advisor of the SHINE Program at the Center for Health and Global Environment at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Founder of “Sauer and Associates, LLC” a Leawood Kansas-based consulting firm that, as a catalyst, helps executives manifest to the fullest their own talents.

Francois has expertise in systems thinking, human relations, and international operations (Latin America and Europe). As a catalyst, author, philosopher and scientist his proven problem-solving approaches are both innovative and pragmatic. His passion is to stimulate, in scientists and executives, the inner development of their own cognitive and creative processes.

Author of “Relearn, Evolve, and Adapt: An Essay to Integrate Creative Imagination with Socially Conditioned Thought and Behavior”.  His book demonstrates how we are the architects of our lives, and become what we think about.

Over the past three decades, Francois has delivered organizational improvements and profitable business growth. He has served as a CEO, executive, advisor, and consultant to large enterprises as well as start-up ventures. His tenure has included Banamex (Health Services executive), DEC and AT&T, and CEO of Cerner International, subsidiary of Cerner Corporation.